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Beautiful Landscape

We Support

As part of our firm's philosophy, we believe that philanthropy is an important catalyst that brings positive and sustainable social changes to our community. 


A list of some of the organisations we support is set forth below:


Association Deti supports underprivileged children in Ukraine by providing free English lessons and additional academic support.


Paediatricians’ Against Cancer is a Ukraine-based foundation that provides medical, psychological and legal support to children with cancer and their families.


Partage Suisse is a Swiss-based food bank that provides meals to local associations and social services that distribute the food to individuals in need.


Association du Bateau de Geneve supports the re-integration of underprivileged and at-risk citizens by providing them meals and jobs. 

Project Belopolie Orphanage provided funds to a Ukraine-based orphanage in order to provide sanitation facilities to their school.


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